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Effective method to help lose weight properly tea

Slender girls must Bunenglijie difficulties obese people,People eat meat and fish every day and will not get fat,But some obese people are fat even drink water every day,Why is this? In fact, not difficult to find,In life want to lose weight or have cultured,Attention to detail,TeaCan help lose weight。


Obesity is one of the reasons -

Resulting in a very important cause of obesity,Is the gastrointestinal absorption of food oils and fats,But can not be discharged by the body itself;Nisseki month like these extra garbage is stored in the position of body parts,Obesity will therefore came out


Why can lose weight tea ??

Tea can dissolve fat in the stomach,And with feces,To achieve the effect of weight loss tea;So after eating greasy food tea,There was a little diarrhea situation,Are normal



The correct way to drink tea ~

After 30 to 60 minutes to drink tea after meals healthier,One to avoid Shang Wei,Secondly, to scrape off the excess oil


Tea time ~

  • After breakfast tea:Promote gastrointestinal excretion,Avoid stool accumulation in the body

  • Tea after lunch:Reduce the gastrointestinal absorption of fat

  • After dinner tea:Scrape stomach in a day intake of fat,Reduce the chance of being absorbed by the body



Drink tea results were quite good ??

Generally low fermented tea,Tea keeping more nutrients and elements,For the decomposition of the effects of oil would be more significant;especiallyTaiwan high mountain tea teaseries,It is to lose weight、Detox、Health choice


With a good lifestyle -

Just play a slimming tea helpful,Need their normal daily routine and exercise;Both in their daily lives to maintain long-term good habits,Are mostly for people to maintain weight control and body will have a significant effect

More health effects of tea please click this reason ~~~


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