Quality tea, Tea Fun Share

How to choose high-quality light construction

A goodJIAN BEACONPut more valuable,The more you use the more valuable


1、Taituyaozheng ~

As we all know,The greatest feature is built light magical surface markings,The first condition can appear striped in the process of firing is the high iron content of the soil tire,So whether it is looking at pictures or in kind,Be sure to look at the bottom of the tire build light。

High temperature resistance poor tire iron content of the soil,Prone to deformation and cracking – Therefore build soil additional light tread part is relatively coarse particles, such as quartz refractory natural minerals,To simultaneously satisfy these two conditions will constitute a good cup of tire construction。Dark gray or dark brown color close,Taizhi more rough and hard,Hit the similar sound of metal crash,Such tires can only be taken from the soil along the water Kyrgyzstan Jianyang。

2、Natural glaze ~

Lights faithful often have this experience,Online or tea in town often see some light construction,Thick and very colorful markings,A little dazzle people can not buy,Glaze is not a natural fear,There are many chemical elements in it,Tea unhealthy ingredients containing bad。Because every craftsmen do not put myself out of glaze recipes published,So to find out if the glaze to add non-mineral raw materials is difficult,Is a look craftsmen who do not own cup can not determine whether the natural glaze。

So small advice is a must buy to build the most light through formal channels,Learn lights craftsmen who is calling,There is no inscription or test report craftsmen proof。3、Regular shapes ~

A light built boutique,Be sure to meet no significant deformation,The surface does not crack,No bubble,Eye of a needle less these conditions,Determining whether round type light can be visually observed from the mouth,Method of determining whether the deformity is,Light can be built upside down on a flat surface of the table,See light and fit well together is whether the desktop,If you can from side to side,It indicates severe deformation,Further cracking pinholes are observed with the naked eye out。

4、Speckle effect is good ~
Currently popular on the market and the oil droplets Tuhao

  • Striped light to form soft rabbit hair length beauty,Does not dilute the distribution stripes tight,Cecil o deduction,Stripes visible three-dimensional effect and has,Light stripes extending from the mouth to the bottom of the best light,But this is extremely difficult。
  • Lamp oil droplets belongs to the most popular category,Good complete crystallization droplets lamp,Markings clearly visible,Striped uniform size,Clouds at the surface of the glaze layer,Especially in light port position can be covered with stripes of varying,Metal texture and markings、Three-dimensional sense is very Qiang Lie。


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